CRAN R Package Binaries
This project provides R package binaries for various Linux distributions and architectures. While it provides binaries for CRAN packages, it is not affiliated with CRAN in any way.
Binaries are distributed to the community for free with a monthly download cap of 50 Terabyte.
If you represent a for-profit company and plan to make extensive use of these binaries, please get in touch. We offer the option to obtain a private mirror with unlimited access.
While we strive to build binaries for all CRAN packages, there are various reasons why building binaries for a package might fail. (The most common reason is a missing (exotic) external system dependency which the project links against.) The R package binary dashboard provides global coverage information for each for each operating system and which packages are currently missing.
The project was established to offer extensive R CRAN package support for common Linux distributions. Since CRAN does not build binaries for Linux, Posit began providing binaries in 2020. However, their efforts were limited to the amd64 architecture and excluded Alpine Linux, which is among the most popular distributions for container-based workflows.
This project aims to make R a first-class citizien for CI/CD and containers using a community-driven open-source approach.